BTMex provides you a quick and secure environment that allows you to explore cryptocurrencies on your smart devices.
Send, receive, trade and store cryptocurrencies including Bitcoin, Ethereum and other digital assets on your phone.
Bitan MT is a licensed virtual currency exchange.
> Show your favourite cryptocurrencies
> Charts and tools to provide a better insights of some
> Alerts to notify when tokens reach a desired prices
> Virtual currencies can be purchased and sold in real time
> Live Coin Watch to monitor Bitcoin (BTC) live
> Support Fiat-to-Crypto Exchange through a local bank
> Cryptocurrency exchange can be sent and received by
using QRCodes
The value of digital currencies is not guaranteed. There are chances of loss due to price fluctuations in the digital currencies being transacted.
There are services fees incurred for using Bitan MoneyTech Inc's products and services. For more information, please visit our website.
Digital currencies may carry risks by their nature. Please understand our Terms and Conditions and make transaction based on your judgement and at your own responsibility.
Tags: Bitan, Crypto, Crypto Trading, Licensed, BTMex, BitanMT, Bitcoin, Exchange